Early on in my walk of faith I heard a sermon on the end times. Being
young in the Lord and hungry for His word, I drank in every part of it.
The next day I discussed some of the issues raised with some other
Christian friends and I was shocked to find that none of them agreed
with the sermon I had heard. This unsettled me and I soon learned that
the study of the return of Christ was a complex subject with many, many
points of view. As such I stayed away from the subject for about 10 years.
However in recent years I started to look at the subject again. One
thing which really prompted me to study this subject was a comment by
David Pawson in one of his books. What he basically wrote was that by
not studying this subject we leave our churches, neighbors and friends
open to different cults who come with clever, persuasive pre-packaged
speeches and answers about the return of Christ. When our friends then
turn to us for help or guidance we fail them and the cult gains another
These next series of posts will be the ABCs of eschatology (the study of
the end times).
To end this post we will look at our first scripture from Acts 1:11:
"Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who
was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw
him go into heaven."
This Jesus, our Jesus will come again in a bodily, visible way. It
hasn't happened yet, but it will. Jesus is coming again.
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