Thursday, March 02, 2006

Eschatology 101 (Part 6)

In our last study we mentioned several things which need to happen before Jesus returns. The first one we are going to look at is from Matthew 24:14 where Jesus says, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be
preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come."

The questions for this study are: Has that happened already? Is it happening now? Is it in the future?

Before asking ourselves if this has already happened we need to understand what was said. Jesus didn't say that every person in the world would hear the message of the gospel before the end comes. He also
didn't say that every nation,tribe or people group would hear the news of the kingdom, but rather than it would be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony.

Of course the whole world is a big place and just because the gospel might have been preached in the USA or Europe that doesn't mean it has been preached throughout the whole world. Conversely because it hasn't reached a certain tribe or people group in an isolated area that doesn't mean that it hasn't been declared throughout the whole world.

Robertson puts it like this "Heralded in all the inhabited world. It is not here said that all will be saved nor must this language be given too literal and detailed an application to every individual."

Adam Clarke also mentions that the phrase 'in all the world', perhaps only means no more than the Roman empire". He mentions Luke 2:1 which reads, "And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed." Clearly, argues Clarke, "this means no more than the whole Roman empire: as a decree for taxation or enrollment from Augustus Caesar could have no influence but in the Roman dominions"

It is also interesting to note that when Paul writes to the Colossians he says of the gospel, "Which is come to you, as it is in all theworld..." (Colossians 1:6)

The purpose of this declaration of the gospel is as a testimony, a witness to what God has done through Christ. A testimony needs only be a light shone in a dark place, a standard held up for those, who are
looking, to see.

So, has this happened already? Maybe. A testimony of the kingdom has certainly been preached over the last two thousand years and it has beenpreached, at varying times, throughout the whole world.

Is it happening now? Certainly. This message is still being preached and this testimony is still being made.

Is it in the future? Maybe. God could, in his grace, provide one last missionary thrust into all the world before the end comes... But don'tcount on it!

Remember, watch, pray and be ready for his appearing.



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